Sunday, February 14, 2021

So You Wanna' Be A Collector?

Scott H. posted a link to an updated list showing production dates for all the Estes kits. 
Thanks go to Don Altschwager for all the updates.
To see the Estes list: CLICK HERE

Check out which kits are recently discontinued by the "Last Avail" 2020 listing.


  1. I really didn’t set out to be a collector it just sort of turned out that way. Seeing Scott post that update the other day got me to update my rocket spreadsheet - I’m right on the borderline between having a build pile, a collection or a hoard...

    1. Hi Oenroad,
      I'm not a collector, but if someone were to see my build pile, they might think I am!

    2. Considering the numerous of times you've pointed out "gotchas" and suggest solutions to them, you could be considered by some as a corrector[1].

      [1] a bit of weak humor based on stereotype of Japanese people transposing "L"s and "R"s (which is sometimes associated with other East Asian groups such as Koreans and Chinese). There is some truth to the stereotype -- In Japanese there is no distinct "L" nor "R" sound, but something that's somewhere between between "L" sound in English and a rolled "R" of Spanish. When a Japanese-speaking person uses this intermediate sound for both "L" and "R", it ends up sounding like a transposition of "L"s and "R"s to an English speaker.
