Saturday, December 10, 2022

Estes Blue Origin New Shepard Build, Part 11, Old & New Kit Versions

On this blog, I was building the original version of the kit that was pulled because of some stability issues. I haven't seen the revised version of the kit.
According to messages from Ron (Ronz Rocketz), who has the new version of the kit:
A pat of nose weight clay is included.
These usually weigh around .25 oz.
Here's a picture of the old kit fin.
Ron wrote the fin root edge is still 2" tall.

The original kit fin span (measured from the root edge to the outside edge) is 1 3/8".
See EDIT below - Ron said the new kit fin span is 2". That seems pretty wide but might be necessary when the airstream is spread out by the wide diameter nose cone.
In another comment, Metalhead1986 said the fin span is 2 3/32".  
EDIT: Ron agreed with Metalheads fin span. The correct fin span measurement is 2 3/32". 

If you have the new version of the builders kit, double check the fin span measurement for me and please leave a comment below.


  1. I have the new kit, Chris. I'll check the span this weekend, and post back.

  2. Chris - the span of the fins is 2 3/32".

    1. Thanks Metal! I'll add this info to the blog post - You'll get name credit.

  3. I measured again and think MH is right. I tend to round off my fins and added Q&T filets. I might try an AC cam tomorrow.
