Friday, September 20, 2019

Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 14, More Decals & Pod Trim

The kit has some trim pieces for the pods but they were not as shiny as the chrome trim I had.

GOTCHA: The kit supplied decal didn't fit around the nose cone as shown on the face card. I ended up placing it around the body tube, below the nose cone.

At the base is the shinier Monokote chrome trim.

The lower adapter was painted metallic silver.
I tried a strip of white decal paper but didn't like the contrast. I went with a strip of the Contact paper.

Before gluing onto the standoffs, the pod paint gluing line was sanded to the tube surface with a sanding block.

TIP: Shown in the second picture, the upper bar decal didn't make it all the way around the tube. I started and finished the decal wrap on the inside where the gap won't be seen.


  1. Another "gotcha" -- the painting instructions for the "admiralty colors" depicts the pods as painted black rather than white as depicted on the facecard and catalog image.

    1. Hi Naoto,
      I followed the face card picture - sort of! Both the Centuri (catalog) and Semroc (online) pictures show a slightly different color treatment from their respective kit face cards.
