Sunday, November 21, 2021

Rocketship Games MMX Hawkeye, Part 8, Stickers

The kit supplied stickers are die-cut.
TIP: Don't set these in place using water! The top surface ink isn't sealed and the ink bled on the first decal.
There are extras so this wasn't a concern.

Some of the stickers are tiny!

I found it easier to place them from the tip of my hobby knife.
There is no streamer or parachute, the model uses nose-blow recovery like the larger original Estes kit.

Tie the Kevlar line to the nose cone lug. Stuff the loose end inside the hollow base of the nose cone.

TIP: Here's a general tip for friction fitting some engine applications.

Instead of wrapping tape around the base of the motor, try some thin strips down the casing.
Notice the top of the tape, how it rolls over the casing lip. This prevents the tape from folding over when pressed into the body tube.

In the picture at the right, you can see the tail of the tape strip sticking out at the nozzle end.

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