I almost didn't go to the Tampa TTRA launch today.
I had a evening show scheduled and realized the venue was only ten miles from the TTRA site! So, it was a launch in the afternoon then banjos at night.
Lonnie flew the perfect subject for a GoonyBird, an
When a Goony flys this stable it's a good day at the field.
To the right is my 37 year old MPC
MARTIAN PATROL flown with an Estes C6-3.
Both saucers vibrated during boost. At ejection one "hovered" the other flipped end over end.

This is Randy Ejma with an impressive one third scale
It was a scratch Blue Tube build, flown with a J350 engine.

My Doctor Zooch
After hitting 650 feet, it was a long walk for recovery. Good thing I only used a B6-4 in this BT-50 based model.

Here's Astron Mike's
ECONO GLIDER flown with an Aerotech F21.
Impressive glides are guaranteed with these lightweight foamboard gliders.

This was the best flight of the day, at least from my spectator standpoint.
Gary Horwood reached 3,200 feet with a K700 Gorilla engine in his
WASTE-N-TIME rocket.
At ignition there was a big red flame, a thrust buildup and slow liftoff.
I understand this was an experimental engine. This is the way you'd hope all rockets could look at launch.
Also launched:FlisKits
HONEST JOHN with a MMX engine. I was surprised how many had never seen a Micro Maxx engine. I normally have no problem watching a MMX launch, but being this far from the pads I couldn't follow it! Someone did spot the small streamer and with their direction it was found.
STRIKER AGM with an Estes C6-5. Arrow straight vertical flight. Again a walk to pick it up. On the ground the parachute was fully open and dragging the model through the cow pies.
Odd'l Rockets
UP! CUP with a C6-3. Odd-Rocs like this fly best in calmer winds. There was a little tip off leaving the rod. It flew 10 degrees off vertical so some altitude was lost. Good flight with the engine ejecting under a streamer.
CD SPOOL with an Estes C6-3. A labored boost was followed by a very fast spinning recovery. No damage on landing.