Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quest Striker AGM Fix

I wasn't happy with the stark white nozzle reducer on the Striker.
The model was painted an overall white and the white reducer stood out like a sore thumb.

I started outlining the areas between the fins with Testor's silver from a small bottle. A small pointed brush was used.

It went smoothly, the ribs on the plastic reducer would help hide any brush marks.
It wasn't difficult to paint the edges, the paint went on easily up to the masked paint line ridge and beneath that step between the body tube and reducer.

The small brush was cleaned off and I switched over to a 1/4" wide brush to fill in the middle.

I made sure to brush in the direction of the ribs. The ribs would hide any brush marks. The motor mount tube extending out the back was left white.
This is a much better finished look.