Sunday, April 16, 2023

Estes Klingon Battle Cruiser, #1274, Step 26, Chrome Trim Positioning

A few of the chrome trim pieces were long (on the left) and two others too tall (right).

I didn't want to do the trimming after the pieces were on the model. These were stuck back on the backing paper and cut.

As my usual practice,
The sticky back pieces weren't touched where I could help it.

I positioned the pieces while they were stuck on just the tip of my hobby knife. 

Here's the outside wing trim pieces.

The windows sticker was trimmed earlier to fit the the height of the flat side of the bridge.


  1. Probably a good idea to mention a potential gotcha with foil stickers -- it's better to peel the backing away from the sticker than the sticker away from the backing. If you try to peel the sticker off the backing, you're apt to create a curl to the marking that will make it hard for it to stay stuck down (the ends usually start popping off the surface).

    1. Hi Naoto,
      Good point! I usually separate the sticker from the backing with the tip of my knife blade. I keep it on the blade for positioning, I don't want to touch the back of the sticker.
