Saturday, April 22, 2023

Wolverine Phoenix AIM-54A, Fix!, Part 1, What Happened?

Here's one I assembled in 2012, the Wolverine Phoenix.
It's a clone of the big Estes Phoenix kit, #1380. 

There was a glitch in the pre-production kit I received. 
The model is made up of two BT-80 body tubes, the lower tube should be 14" long, the upper tube, 7.6" long. Both tube lengths are joined by a coupler. 
In my "kit" the lower body tube was sent at its original length of 18". I assumed the tubes were the correct length and assembly followed.

Having never built a Phoenix rocket before, it didn't think anything was amiss until I went to apply the decals. The open mid section ended up  about 4" too long!

While building, I also drew up the kit instructions for Uncle Mike's Rocket Shack/Wolverine Rocketry.

Here's a link to the first build from finish to start: CLICK HERE

This project is to cut out the extra four inches as cleanly as I can.
The scrap tube will have to be peeled off the coupler. Cleaned up then rejoined (hopefully) at the right length. I might lose the upper launch lug. I can home print and replace the small black decals in the middle.

This has bugged me for years! The model has never been flown.


  1. As a lover of the Phoenix, that looks just wrong. I do appreciate the love of the all white paint scheme. I hate the gray airframe scheme. Both of mine are all white. I'm looking forward to seeing it the correct length.

    1. Hi Metal,
      It does look wrong! It turned out to be a bigger fix than I originally thought.
