Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Goofing Up A Build - MRN, June, 1964

Steve Riegel posted on the NAR Facebook page:

"When I was a kid in the 80s, I recall reading a parody article (maybe older than the 80s?) from the POV of a newb who made every classic blunder a he rushed through building his first kit. There was a specific line about using scissors to cut out the balsa fins since it left a nice, splintery edge for gluing.
If anyone has a copy of that article, I would love to get one for the classes I teach. Thanks."

Edit: Found it, Model Rocket News, June 1964. Copy available on JimZ's site.

I remember this article from a "Best Of the MRN" collection you could buy from Estes.
How many of you used too much glue thinking: "My rocket will be stronger than everybody's!"
Always remember: "That's their way of selling more stuff."
Read on . . . it's a good laugh!


  1. LOL.

    For what it's worth, I've used (sharp) scissors to cut 1/32" balsa, and it works great. I'm sure I had a reason for doing so. :)

    1. I have too! But in the 1960s, Scissors were not what they are today! Can't you hear your Mom yelling: "Where are my good scissors?" Never use the good scissors to cut balsa.
