Those go back to NARAM 17 and 18.
The upper shelf holds (clockwise from the upper left)
1. Engine mount adapters and heavy twine.
2. Igniters from Estes and Quest and a roll of masking tape (not in the box)
3. In front is clay weight, smaller launch rods for monocopters and MMX rod adapters.
4. In the center left are tools. I always carry disposable knives, sandpaper, small tubes of CA and needle nosed pliers.
Slot 1. Micro Maxx and T engines
all moving up in power through
Slot 8. D Engines.
Years back when I was flying FSI and Enerjet Es and Fs, they had their own place in slot 7 and 8.
At present I carry up to D engines in this box.
I didn't have a labelmaker back then, I typed up engine designations, cut them out and taped them to the front of the tray.
The bottom of the box holds a small launcher, controller, too much wadding, a bag of spare parachutes/streamers and smaller rockets.
Two rockets that never leave the box are an Odd'l Rockets Birdie and the Art Applewhite Monocopter. The Birdie is always a good first flight of the day to check the system and for wind. The Monocopter is for the days when you want to get in just one more quick, easy flight.
This Range Box carries too many memories. It still does it's job well, I wouldn't trade it for a new one.
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