Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Good Sanding Blocks?

On YORF, Don A. asked:
"I have two Great Planes Easy-Touch hand sanders that I use all the time.
I would like to get some more but it appears that these are OOP now.
Any ideas for anything similar? Something that has a smooth metal surface that self adhesive sanding paper can be attached to and that has a comfortable handle."

Tigerhawk answered:
"The DU-BRO company sells the aluminum sanding bars."

CJU gave a link:

These look identical to the OOP Great Planes Easy Touch Sanders. 
On the right is the profile view. That raised hand grip is comfortable and affords a lot of control.
For me, they are the best sanding blocks out there.
I have two - one loaded with 220, the other with 400 grit. If I don't have adhesive backed sandpaper, I can adhere it to the flat bottom with an even coat of a glue stick.

For a post about good, cheap self adhesive sandpaper rolls - CLICK HERE 
Making sandpaper last much longer: CLICK HERE

They are twice the price of the older, OOP Great Planes blocks, the 5" X 2" long block at $14.99, before shipping! But I would pay that much for them without hesitation.
These blocks are that good!


  1. Good to know that the sanding block is available, the collapse of Hobbico back in 2018 had be quite worried. I do have one of those extruded aluminum "tee" sanding bars (which aren't as easy to grip as the ones from Great Planes). The other thing that was nice with the Great Planes sanding bar was that the dimensions allowed you to evenly divide up a 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of sandpaper.

  2. Dubrovnik products has resumed production of these sanding blocks. They don’t make the 24 inch block at this time though

  3. Sorry should be Dubro
