Saturday, November 19, 2022

Estes Odyssey #7235 Build, Part 26, Silver Mask, Chrome Trim & Gun Gluing

I love a simple mask!

The vanes and area either side of the leading and trailing edges of the vanes is painted silver. 

Scotch Tape initial mask and masking tape outside those. Plastic bags covered the rest of the body.

I had already test fitted the chrome strip around the front of the gun tube.
Start and finish your wrap where the seam won't be seen, inside facing the fin leading edge.

The front of the gun was slid in place.
A Q-tip was used to apply a drop of glue. The Q-tip was then used to spread out an interior fillet and pick up any excess glue.

On the right is the finished wing tip gun.

The plastic nose cones were glued in using - 
Everybody say it out loud on the count of three - 
Beacon Fabri-Tac!

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