Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Estes Super Orbital Transport Build, Kit #7314, Finished

I didn't get a overall, full picture of the finished model. One of those: "It was packed up before I realized it!"
It looks just like the original BT-50 version of the kit, only bigger. To see the BT-50 finished pictures: CLICK HERE

Above is the underside of the larger Super O.T. version.
To the right is the top end.

And the Glider.
The correct title is "Parasite Glider".

The Glider underside - 
I was happy with the fit of the wing and elevon dihedrals.


  1. Excellent build, Chris !!!

  2. Beautifully done, Chris. A wonderful design; always was one of my favorites. So you didn't get to fly it?

    1. Hi Tim,
      I didn't launch it - the three Super O.T. builds went back to Estes for display, print and show purposes.
