Tuesday, August 23, 2022

New Way, Der Squared Max Build, Part 5, Fin Rounding & Parachute

The instructions don't mention rounding the outside edges of the fins. I guess square edge fins carry through the square rocket theme.
I rounded just the leading edges.
The parachute is square, four sides, not the regular six or eight sides.
The shroud line reinforcements are very smart, Nomex jewelry tags.
"Nomex® is a tear-resistant, high-temperature resistant fiber. It is offered in paper, felt, fabric, and fiber forms."

Under normal tag use, they are looped around the back of jewelry rings, the price written on the round ends. The facing round ends are sticky. The folded loop has no adhesion on the back.
The shroud line is tied through the loop. 

I store the parachute in a zip style jewelry bag with the snap swivel out the top. This prevents tangles in the shroud lines.

1 comment:

  1. Not Nomex, Tyvek.

    I have mentioned these before....as I use the round versions to build/repair plastic 'chutes all the time...and I got the idea from an earlier one of Rick's kits.

    Bernard Cawley
