Sunday, June 6, 2021

FlisKits Space Raider Build, Part 10, Longer Nose Cone

My first nose cone didn't quite match up to the body shroud.
Everything else fit fine, my construction or home print could have been off.

I drew up a longer nose cone.

The Space Raider fin cover skins and slightly longer nose cones are on a PDF I drew up. 
There are three nose cone prints on the second sheet. These are difficult to form so you might need a second or third try. 
Patreon supporters can request the additional PDFs. Email me at and ask for the Space Raider PDF.

After the nose cone was formed, some extra glue was rolled over the glue tab with a Q-tip.

The nose block was pulled from the first nose cone.
I marked the four sides at the glue contact points.

Rotate the nose cone and check the alignment of the block before the glue dries.


Here's the longer nose cone. Not perfect but much better than the first try.


  1. Hi Chris!:

    How long did you end up cutting your nose cone block?


    1. Hi J.W.,
      It ended up at 3/4" long. That leaves 1/2" exposed to slide into the body tube.
