Sunday, June 13, 2021

X-Acto Knife Rolling Off The Table? TIP

In my teens I was fortunate to work at a print shop as a graphic artist doing paste-up.
This involved sitting at a drawing or light table making many long cuts using a straight edge and X-Acto knife. 
One morning our typist Pam was helping with paste-up. We heard a loud scream.
Her X-Acto knife had rolled off the slight angle of her desk and stuck in her thigh.

At one time, X-Acto made a knife handle with a hinge on the top end. You could flip the end making a bend in the handle preventing it from rolling. I couldn't find any of these online.
There is a no-roll handle on this Gripster knife -

On TRF there is a thread on Model Rocket Tips.
Sooner Boomer wrote:
Stick an eraser on the end of your X-Acto handle, this will help keep it from rolling.

GrouchoDuke had the best answer - 
A zip tie works really well too.

I just added a twist tie to the back of my knife handle.


  1. My father was an illustrator in the late 60's and I remember as a kid he had wrapped masking tape around the end of the handle creating a tab which stopped it from rolling. He had a lot of other cool stuff on his drawing table, too.

  2. Is there anything that can’t be fixed with a zip tie?
