Sunday, January 9, 2022

Launch! Orlando R.O.C.K., January 8, 2022

Busy day in Oviedo, Florida!
Lots of new, young flyers. I can assume some Christmas gifts had first flights. The racks were full most of the day.

Windy! Spill holes and streamers were used to keep the recoveries close. Still, a few landed high in the tree line to the West.

That's my Custom SLV. It got good altitude for a A8-3. 
The landing was hung over the border tape.
That was unintentional - mine never land close on purpose.

Kirby's Spool flew with a C6-3.
The younger Rocketeers liked seeing something different than a finned rocket.

Here's the first launch of my new Rocket Ship Games STAR ROCKET with a MicroMaxx motor.
Probably got to 50', with streamer recovery. Enlarge the picture to see a rare, MMX launch caught on film.

One of my favorites - the Centuri CENTURION using an Estes B6-4.
Altitude was an estimated 300' with a chute taped shut for a close recovery. In this wind, an open 18" parachute would have drifted into the trees.

Cory joined us with his Estes Cobra clone. A cluster of three B6-4 motors were loaded.
While he brought a good clip whip, we couldn't get ignition.

Roger suggested using the leads from three different pads and them arming all to light the three engines.

That worked! The model drifted West and got hung up in the trees . . . 

With the winds, I risked a C6-3 engine launch in the Estes SOLO.
The rod was angled a bit into the wind, the breezes blew it back to vertical.

At ejection, the ring glider settled into a flat, long glide. Under a reefed chute, the body followed and both landed in the trees.
Not a big loss, its an easy build. I can pick up another at Hobby Lobby.

My also flowns - 
Estes TWIN FACTOR staged with an A10-0t & A10-3t. Altitude was about 200'. This model has been one of my few successful staged rockets.

Estes SUPER ALPHA with a B6-4 to 275'. Textbook launch and recovery.

Mike Hughes got a stable flight from his Estes Sasha after adding 1/4 oz. of weight to the nose.
I think he used a C engine.

My photo of the day was Kirby doing his best impersonation of Vanna White displaying a "found" rocket.

Flew six, lost one! Windy and tolerably warm.


  1. Looks like it was a FUN day! Wish I could have been there!


  2. I got a 55 second glide out of a solo on a C6-5 switched to B6-4s on calm days.

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I should have timed the Solo glide! The last we saw it, it was flying into the high trees. One of the club members found the rocket (not the glider) and will return it at the next club launch.
