Friday, February 3, 2023

Centuri Quasar Clone Build, Kit #KC-7, Part 1, Decal Development

There are some Centuri logos online, but the edges are fuzzy.
The images may have been scanned. Each time it is copied, the edges get more distorted.
On the online available logo shown above - 
Notice the oval border ends are squared off. The Centuri name isn't sharp. 

On my upcoming clone build, I needed the Centuri name in a reversed black, without the oval.
This required a two hour re-draw in Corel Draw.
The lower logo (above) has been cleaned up. I even corrected some subtle letter spacing.

The Centuri Quasar (Kit #KC-7) decal sheet was interesting.
The top logo is my re-draw of the original.

The lower logo found on the decal sheet was condensed, not the normal full width.

Here's another logo on the kit name decal.
That white reversed Centuri logo in the black oval is narrower than normal.

The Red Quasar name is the closest I could find. It is not the original font.

A note on the Centuri logo:
Don't ask me for the logo files. I do not own the rights for distribution.
The Quasar decal sheet will be available to Patreon supporters for SINGLE BUILDS ONLY. The decals with logos are not available for commercial kit production.


  1. Very nice, say what printer do you use for decals? I've got an old laser printer that is on it's last legs and I'm looking for recommendations.

    1. Hi Dave,
      I have an older HP 8210 Inkjet printer. Most all printers can print decals. Settings are cardstock and photo printing. I don't have any experience with laser printers, I've always had the inkjet style.
