Saturday, May 13, 2023

MPC Lambda Payloader Build, Part 10, Painting The Fins & Pulling The Tape

The remainder of the fin faces are covered with brown paper masking tape.

Here's the mask lines after the tape was pulled.
I was very happy with the results. 

If your fillets are smooth with no bubbles or dips, your fin masks should end up straight and sharp.

Here's the color scheme I was shooting for.

Too bad the generic decals don't give you what was shown on the box.

You do have a checkerboard roll decal, but it is blue with a white background. 
That blue will not go well with the orange on the body tube.


  1. Your fin masking skills never fail to impress. That looks really good.

    1. Thanks Neil!
      This one turned out better than most.
