Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Orlando Design 2 Part Show

On Wednesday, May 3, Roger Smith (jonrocket.com) and I attended the Design 2 Part Show at the Orange County Convention Center.
We were hoping to find a vendor who could machine a mold and produce plastic nose cones in bulk. 
The prices were jaw dropping!
To have a nose cone mold machined it would cost between $10,000 to $15,000. That's before the nose cones are made!

This realization made me reconsider a decent 3D printer to make my own, 
without the minimum order of a few thousand nose cones.

They did charge $20.00 to park your car. 
The show wasn't a total bust - 
Free fun-size candy, pens and magnifying rulers filled up two fabric bags. Those bags are perfect for groceries.

1 comment:

  1. IMO, That's how you tell that they are really not interested. They don't see enough volume to turn a profit.
