Friday, March 11, 2022

Estes Delta Wedge Clone #1931 Build, Part 3, Engine Mount & Wedge Fins

With this build first attempt a year ago, I can't find some of the pictures. The Estes instruction illustrations will help here.

Draw a line between the two outside points of the back plate for alignment.

Use a four fin alignment guide to mark the body tube.

The back plate lines align with the lines drawn on the tube. Glue the tube end flush with the back plate.

The two wedge shaped fin fold lines are embossed with the butter knife and straight edge.

On the left, you can see how little glue is needed to assemble cardstock. 

The leading edge is burnished shut.

Here's probably more glue than is needed to set the two wedge fins.
Placement is shown in the next post.


  1. When I saw pics of that rocket in the past I had no idea the wing was such a built-up structure. Quite interesting.

    I don't know the story of it, but I'm guessing the whole thing was inspired by the Star Wars imperial star destroyer.

    1. Hi Neil,
      I do see the wedge resemblance.
      Regarding the built up wing - it's actually very strong considering the Estes kit probably used thicker cardstock.
