Friday, March 18, 2022

Estes Delta Wedge Clone #1931 Build, Finished

When I make a clone, I usually try to match the catalog colors and decals. The original kit had some white decals, I couldn't see how to reproduce those on my ink jet printer. So I compromised and went with silver instead of the recommended dark blue color. Home print decals would not have shown up on that dark color.

The lightning bolt decal on the short fins is a bit corny.

I added leading edge decals to the bottom of the wing. It looked sparse with only the "84" and ring of stars.

Visually, there's not much going on at the nose of the rocket! 

The wing seems wide for a BT-20 sized rocket. 
A very different build and a good exercise in card stock forming.


  1. Hi Chris,

    A very different (and difficult looking!) build. It would be interesting to see in flight.

  2. I see you put the canopy with the short taper forward (in a more airplane-like orientation), rather than the longer taper forward (as depicted on the catalog image, face card and images in the instructions). Granted, the instructions do not explicitly specify which end is the front, so it's fair to say that it's left up to the interpretation of the builder.

    1. Hi Naoto,
      You've got a good eye! I didn't notice this until you mentioned it. Oh well -
