Sunday, January 2, 2022

Estes Skylab #001973, Build, Part 19, Almost Ready For White Paint

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program . . . 

Here's the seam side of the low wrap before the lower launch lug was glued on.
The wrap seam fill was medium CA glue.
Squeeze a drop of CA on scrap cardboard.
Dip a toothpick in the glue and drag the drop of glue down the joint seam.
Fold a piece of 400 grit (not a sharp crease) and sand the glue in the joint.

Run a dull knife blade over the filled seam - If you can still feel a seam gap, do another fill and sand pass.

On the details wrap, you can see the joint where the corrugation space is a little wider. 

The joint seam is filled, smooth and not that noticeable.

The upper wrap joint fill.

On this build I tried to fill the joints at the tunnel ends. 

I used the toothpick/dip CA glue transfer method but I found the dried CA hard to sand. I was concerned I might sanded through the thin plastic. Dried CA is much harder than the vacu-form wrap.
I didn't sand through it. Results were just OK, I wouldn't recommend filling the tunnel joints the way I did. Some of the White/black color separations fall right on the joints anyway.

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