Friday, October 25, 2024

Enerjet by Aerotech, Arreauxbee-Hi, Part 15, Back To It

Back to building the Arreauxbee-Hi - 
You'll have to plan ahead as to which two fins will be white and the third remaining fin black.
Study the box picture. The name should be place on the body tube, the opposite side of the two launch lugs.
With the name "Aerotech General, Areauxbee-Hi" between two of the runway conduits, you can tell which fin should end up black.
The body, fins and nose cone are already painted white.
Don't spray the entire body and fins orange then try to paint two fins white. The white would take too many coats to cover the orange paint. You're better off masking off all three fins before spraying the orange paint. 

Shown above - 
It takes three separate pieces of blackened Scotch tape to follow the molded wedge shaped plastic fillets. 

Shown on the right -
This was followed by brown masking tape and paper to fully cover the fins

After the orange was shot -


  1. What orange paint did you use for this?

    1. Hi Solar Yellow,
      I used Ace Hardware premium enamel, Orange. I don't know if it is close to the original scale Aerobee Hi color or not. Online pictures seem to show a slightly lighter orange shade.
