Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Estes Black Star Voyager Build, Part 37, Ends & Edges, Finishing Up

The shock cord is tied with a square knot to the loop on the nose cone base.

TIP: Push the loose tail of the shock cord into the open slot in the nose cone base. This keeps the tail from getting stuck between the shoulder and the body tube.

TIP: Tie on the parachute a few inches AWAY from the nose cone. The nose cone won't swing in and out of the shroud lines and get tangled. 

Near one of the joints I had some rough paint.
TIP: Sometimes (and I stress "sometimes") you can use some clear scrap left over from the decal sheet to gloss and smooth out the area.

Cut to size, soak and apply the clear piece over the rough area.  

I don't usually need to concentrate on rounded leading edges of the fins when spraying. On these squared off edges I didn't get a full black coverage.

TIP: Sometimes you can black in the areas with a marker. This only works with a black marker. You won't be able to match the ink shade of other colors.

Some paint did get on the engine hook.
Use the backside (not the sharp edge) of your hobby knife to scrape off the paint.

You can use the Sharpie to black the edge of the motor mount tube where needed.

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