Monday, August 19, 2024

Enerjet by Aerotech, Astrobee D Build, Part 16, Fin Leading Edge Sticker Fold

These clear strips are peel and stick "decals". They are folded on the dashed line and roll over the leading edge of the fins.
I was concerned that the black lines would show through the tan paint.
I did a test scraping on the "Manufactured by Aerotech" print line. The print ink was thick but scraped off fairly easily.

Cut the strips just inside the black lines.  
Cut the low end (shown here) a little longer than I did. You can trim off the overhang after applying.

TIP: As printed, these are short. You'll want the strips a little long so they will completely cover the full length of the leading edge.

Start coaxing the fold. I set the strip (with the backing still on) over my metal engineer's rule. A crease was started by rolling a Sharpie burnisher over the edge.

Pinch the strip over the ruler edge with your thumb and index finger down the length of the strip working a fold into the center line.

After burnishing in a sharp fold, 
You can start scraping off the dashed line ink. 

Scrape lightly - you'll feel the raised dashed line under the blade.

Leave the one dash at the front and rear for a reference when setting the sticker over the leading edge.

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