Monday, April 10, 2023

Estes Klingon Battle Cruiser, #1274, Step 20, Wing Gluing? Gotcha!

Here's where I screwed up!

The instructions show a slight down dihedral here at the right center illustration. 

I thought the center tips (here pictured towards the front) should be touching. There is no reference to this in the instructions.

The low tips of the front and rear hanger bulkheads touch the wing face in the rear.

With the front tips touching at the top centerline and the root edges down their pencil lines, there is very little dihedral angle on the wing sides.
The only reference is on the last page showing the decal placement.
My model doesn't have this much down angle on the wing sides.

GOTCHA: To get more of a down dihedral -
You would have to have a gap between the center wing tips over the body tube. 
The long root edges of the fins might have to be glued a little below the pencil lines on the body tube.

1 comment:

  1. The instructions state that the wings are positioned such that the top surface of the wings are placed along the wing lines on the body tube (i.e. they are positioned slightly below the centerline). This would naturally induce a slight anhedral (i.e. what you refer to as "down dihedral") when the wings project perpendicularly from the body. Placing the further below the centerline would increase the anhedral, while placing the wings further above the centerline would increase the dihedral.
    Note that in a prior step where the hangar deck rear bulkhead is glued, the instructions do state that the bottom of bulkhead piece should be positioned at the wing lines (which would imply that the top of the wing should be below the line).
