Friday, April 28, 2023

Wolverine Phoenix AIM-54A, Fix!, Part 7, An Interesting Mask

This was an interesting mask. I had to work around the rectangle plates so the paint ridge would be hidden.
For whatever reason, I used yellow Trim Monokote for the yellow stripes. This allowed me to set marked Scotch tape masks on the yellow tape. If this yellow was a water slide decal, the tape would probably lift the ink.

It took quite a few small pieces of tape to outline the raised plates,
The picture on the right shows the lower mask again set over the yellow Monokote bands. 

I crossed my fingers and used Rustoleum 2X Gloss White. I've had a bad history using white Rusto 2X, sometimes it sprays out a rough flat chalk no matter how long you shake the can. I wanted to match the white I used back in 2012.

This time it went on smooth.
On the left is the tape lifts. The paint ridge is "hidden" by the yellow trim edge and raised plate thickness.

Here's the finished patch and paint.

You can see a slight ridge where the tubes were joined. I did a better job of filling the ridge the first time around.

The next time I print decals I can add the missing wordage. That will take the focus off the slight tube joint bump.


  1. Looks great. Thanks for the idea of tube shorting and repairing.

  2. Nailed it Chris!

  3. Great fix Chris. The zipper in my 5.5" Phoenix was more than a challenge to repair.
