Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Estes Klingon Battle Cruiser, #1274, Finished


Well, I'm glad that's over!
Not a fun build. The chrome stickers went on fine, the water slide decals in one of the two kits weren't useable.

The rear view picture makes the model look big.
It's not a large rocket.
At least this one doesn't have a parachute "probe" extension like the Enterprise did.

That long decal windows decal is lifting. The other decals on this sheet seem fine - at least for now.

This is a tough build. If you see it on Ebay - I probably wouldn't bid on it!


  1. Well done. That's got to feel good to have that finished up! I've got this one and an Enterprise in the pile. I bought them a while back on eBay but they'd both been started so I got them cheap. I think I'll be waiting a bit before I start one of them tho!

    1. Hi Dave,
      I hope my build frustrations help out with your build. I found the sales receipt, I got one of them on Ebay for $10!

  2. Nice job, as usual. Are you going to fly it? If it was mine it would be a permanent shelf queen.

    1. Hi BAR,
      Thanks BAR! The one that didn't get the decals will fly. The other will probably remain on the shelf.

  3. Turned out great! I need to finish mine that I started some 20 years ago.

    1. Hi Leo,
      Thanks Leo! It took me over ten years to get back to the builds. I started both of them in 2012.

  4. AMAZING job and it looks incredible! Good luck with the flight! I hope to finish mine this winter and launch it in the Spring.

    1. Thanks Ken,
      It has launched once two years ago with a B6-4. It's a heavy pig. Stable, but a pig!

    2. Ah, cool, thanks for that info! I was considering using the C5-3 for mine. Nice that this motor came back along with the new Quest 18mm D motors.
