Wednesday, May 11, 2022

New Way Mars Snooper II, Build, Part 15, White Undercoats, Prepping For Red

After all the filling and prep -

The assembled model is ready for the gloss white undercoats.

The instructions have you glue in the landing legs before the red is shot. The legs are gloss white, the rest of the model is gloss red.

I chose to leave the white legs off and glue them in after the red was sprayed. The instructions show how to do an after assembly mask. But, gluing the legs in after painting will make an easier and cleaner build.

After the white was sprayed, I still found some glue blobs and a rough area around the lower launch lug.

The first white coats show all the areas that need some light sanding.

Look close directly under the root edge of the fin. You can almost make out the fin alignment line under the paint. Here it isn't that noticeable under the shadow of the fin.

I don't care for printing on the outside surface of shrouds.
The original kit shrouds had fin location lines and wordage that was wider than the root edge thickness of the fins! If the final color of the model were a light color, you might see the inked words at the root edge.


  1. When I print alignment marks on my shrouds nowadays, I make them gray for exactly this reason. I try to make them as light as I can and still be easy to see.

    1. Hi Neil,
      I usually print the fin lines in black, but a very thin width. I didn't think about printing them in gray! Great idea.
