Sunday, May 8, 2022

Orlando R.O.C.K. Launch, May 7, 2022

We were expecting 20 mph winds and rain later on in the day. There was winds up to 15 mph, but no rain.

Here Tom Dennon makes the safety announcements.
Mike did most of the LSO duties, I took over for a few racks so he could get his rockets in the air.

I only saw one rocket go into the trees. Kirby was on hand with his retrieval pole.

The first launch of my Estes DELTA WEDGE clone with an A8-3.
Not much altitude, but that was a recommended first flight motor.

The chute ejected, but didn't open up. That's okay - with 15 mph wind gusts, many rockets drifted over the fence into the East field.

Another card stock rocket - 

The Jim Flis design the SPACE RAIDER went up with a B6-4.
I would guess the altitude was 300. Very stable but another unopened chute.

I was told in an email from Roy Houchin, 
My HIGH ROLLER was finally published in the current  issue of Sport Rocketry magazine. I submitted it over a year ago.

It's a simplified version of the FlisKits Acme Spitfire. The crooked body segments and tube fins are all toilet paper rolls.

Very stable with a roll using a C6-5 motor. At ejection the elastic shock cord broke! The nose cone and chute floated away, the main body landed without a dent.

The New Way MINI SQUARE IN THE AIR had a labored boost with a A3-4t motor to 75 feet.
Engine eject with an end over end, flipping recovery.
I haven't launched the CHEROKEE GOON in a while.
Very sturdy and very stable to 375' with an Estes B6-4. Full chute deploy with no damage on recovery.

Five up, five recovered, minus the nose cone from the High Roller. Not to worry, I'll have another toilet paper roll in a few days. 
I didn't get many pictures today. Between flights I sat in the shade to avoid the heat!


  1. That's the park out east of Oveido on 426? Me, Pat, and Mike went over a half dozen times many years back. I think we held a small contest one time. For low power it wasn't a bad field as long as there wasn't too much wind.

    1. Hi Rocketguy,
      Yes, it's the same field! Sometimes subject to mud and puddles after a good rain. Small, tree lined. It's a B6-4 field for me! Maybe a C in a saucer.
