Tuesday, June 20, 2023

NewWay Angled Invader, Part 11, Gluing On The Wings

You can use the smaller jigs for alignment to hold the body and wing in place as the glue dries.
For a tighter fit at the glued root edge - I wanted to apply a light pressure on the slot and tab.

I ran some masking tape from the body tube, over the outside edge of the wing and back down to the other side of the tube.

Sight from the rear and make adjustments with the tape making sure the wing is straight.

Space is tight when trying to apply fillets.
The ribs are close together.

Previously, I only applied glue fillets to the outside joints of the spaning ribs.

Repeat with the wing on the other side and apply fillets.


  1. Hrm... the wing ribs appear to be reverse (narrow end forward) of how they were arranged on the Alien Invader kit (narrow end aft). Did you also attach the dorsal and ventral fin in the same direction?

    1. Hi Naoto,
      You've got a good eye! I just did them in reverse for no real reason. The other larger fins are in the "correct" direction.
