Sunday, June 11, 2023

Schoolyard Soccer Field Launch! June 10, 2023

I already had plans to go to the Orlando R.O.C.K. Launch today. 
I couldn't sleep and found myself checking the alarm clock. So, I got up early and headed to the schoolyard soccer field.

The Estes Aerospace Club FIRECAT was launched with a A8-3.
It was inevitable, one of those overhanging fins was cracked off on landing. Estimated altitude was 250'.

My burst function in my camera isn't auto-focusing. I found and fixed the problem once I got home.

The Estes PATRIOT was next using an Estes B6-4 to an estimated 325'.
Perfect flight.

I think my shock cords are a little too long.
Getting a little close to the trees. 
That's the same tree that ate my Battlestar Galactica Viper on it's first flight.

A personal favorite is the Quest FLV or Future Launch Vehicle.
Today a B6-4 at the B6-4 field. Altitude was a guess at 325'. 
There was some rod whip - this landed even closer to the trees.

When building the kit, I beefed up the thin kit fins and nozzles. Both low end details were too fragile.
The Estes AIRBORNE SURVEILLANCE MISSILE got great altitude on a A10-3t motor. 
At ejection I heard a "whack" and knew there would be some damage. Two fins were knocked off. 
As I left the field I found one of the small orange fins. The black fin will have to be traced, cut, filled and painted. Arrrrrg!

To finish off the soccer field activity, I launched a MicroMaxx rocket.

Another favorite is the ASP CORPORAL.
Even with the nose weight, this tiny rocket performs. I would guess it to be above 100 feet. Little models look like they are going much higher!

Good thing it had a shiny streamer, they can be hard to follow after the quick boost.

Five up, all recovered with two needing fin repairs.

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