Saturday, March 8, 2025

Estes Star Seeker BT-50 Upscale (Tri-Pack) Kit #0866, Part 9, Sanding & White Paint

The assembled model ready for white paint.

After the first coats dried, glue boogers and glue fillets were sanded.

Here you can see where the uneven glue fillet was sanded.
The paint fills some of the voids.

The Apogee nose cone is molded in yellow. This plastic color seems to show through light paint.

I sprayed white first, still too much yellow.
Then another shot of gray filler/primer.

You can still see some yellow tint showing through.

All gloss white paint, no masking!

Decals application were covered in the earlier small model build.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, yellow is one of those colours that presents a challenge if you're using white paint -- and grey primer (which has higher opacity than white paint) becomes a must -- not only to prevent the bleedthrough, but also even out the tone from parts of different colours of the parts.
    I often dreaded painting plastic models from Matchbox -- in which the parts were often molded in 3 or 4 different colours of plastic (not necessarily matching the subject). Grey primer would help with evening out the tone -- but also tended obscure details such as engraved panel lines.
