The tiny engine block is glued into the BT-2.5 tube using a MMX engine casing.
For a "stop" some tape was wrapped 1/8" on the bottom of the casing.
A ring of glue was set inside with a dowel.
The engine block was set in the tube and pressed into place with the casing up to the tape ring.
The tube is cut at the height of the marking guide at 1".
Because it is such a small diameter tube I wrapped masking tape around the tube for a cutting guide line.
The centering rings are glued onto the BT-2.5 tube at 1/8", 1", 1 1/4" and 1 3/4".
The two lower rings are under the 1" length of BT-3 making the engine mount.
The upper rings slide into the upper longer length of BT-3 Crayon section.
Here's the finished engine mount, the lower section of the model.
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