Jeff Gortatowsky (GDJSky01 on TRF) made the following post on TRF HERE
Above are his pictures.
On the left is the decal he got in the kit, on the right are the one sided fin decals applied.
Down the right side is the Estes online catalog picture.
His post quotes are in italic, my responses follow.

I doubt they are seconds, there was probably just one big first production run. I'm just guessing at that.
"Otherwise did ANYONE take one out of the container when they first came from China and BUILD one? They didn't notice there were only decals for ONE side of the fins? Or did they can say "F' it?" Or did the bean counters say too bad... it's too late? What about the Beta or Alpha builds where you build one BEFORE they make a million of them?"
Probably Yes to all
"I know I can call Christine and being the best in the business like she is, she'd make it right. But I really wonder."
Estes would make it right! But like you, for the price I'm not complaining - much.
They might send another kit with more decals, they probably wouldn't fit the other side of the fin.
These four decals are cut at an angle for the right side of the fin.
From Rich DeAngelis' review of the Vector Force on RocketReviews.com HERE:
"Another small issue is the cool yellow/gray stripes for the fins. As there are 4 fins with two sides each, I expected to find 8 stripes - but there were only 4 of them!"
That review was from August of 2011, long before the big December sale.
My Reflector (also from the December sale) only had four out of the eight fin decals needed to match the face card illustration.
It looks okay, but would look better with decals on both sides of the fin.
I wanted it to look like the older Centuri catalog model decal treatments.
My Quest Stiletto was missing some USAF and Star and Bar decals.
How many of us were disappointed looking for the decals in your first The Launch Pad kits?
I'm lucky that I can draw and print decals that are "okay" for use. They're not great and they are not white.
Kits should include all decals to match the face card (computer touched up) picture.
Sell what you advertise, advertise what you sell!
Agreed....I just bought decals for a Estes Pro Series Ventris because it comes with NONE