Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Peter Alway Saturn IV Build, Part 16, Cleaning Up Mistakes, Tips

Goo Gone can also be used to pick up over spray, but it is more aggressive than the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Again, go lightly.

There is still some black paint around the detail pieces.
A little Goo Gone was applied to a Q-Tip and the excess wiped off on a paper towel.

Apply the Goo Gone then flip over the Q-Tip and remove the paint and excess with the dry cotton end.

Here's the same area after the cleanup.

Sometimes you can touch up with a Sharpie marker.
In direct sunlight you might notice the difference between the spray painted areas and a Sharpie touch up. Use a Sharpie only on ends and edges.

On the left you can see the black doesn't go all the way up to the root edge.
The inset picture shows the touch up.

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