Saturday, December 30, 2023

Top Ten Blog COUNTDOWN for 2023, Part 1

Back to the Great Goblin build in two days - But first, a year-end tradition - the TOP TEN!

This years Top 10 is a little different. 
This past Summer I cut back on my builds so there were fewer finished models to choose from. 
Click on the BOLD model names to go to the builds.
#10 is usually not a favorite counting down to #1, or the best build.
This year from #7 to #1 were pretty good.
These are simply my picks, based on the build, flight experience and blog postings.

10. Wolverine PHOENIX AIM-54A  

This was a correction build - the tube lengths I was sent were too long resulting in a "stretched" model. It just didn't look right.   

This is one of two builds I started years back, but set aside after things got frustrating. I finally finished both builds. 
Compromises in the assembly and some home print decals finished things up.
No enough room for the 18" parachute. A dog in flight - very heavy. 
Props to Estes for kitting up a design that probably shouldn't fly stable.

A build from the past. It's always interesting to build a kit from the late 1960s. Over the years there have been some changes in parts and materials.

7. Quest ICARUS

A classic 3FNC design with some good sticker graphics. 
Quest has been upgrading their larger kits to use the 24mm Q-Jet motors. 

Estes new scale kit is big and impressive.
A great challenge sanding the diamond shaped fins.
Lots of color and some tricky masks.

Why is this at #6?
I found the fin laminations hard to glue together. Keep an eye on them as they will slip and slide before the glue sets up.

More tomorrow . . . 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, only #6 for the BBXII! Curious now what topped it in the rankings.
