Saturday, March 2, 2024

New Way Nike Ajax Build, Part 15, Parachute

A 18" diameter parachute is cut from the multi size parachute kit.

These suggested shroud line lengths seem long. Some simple math tell me they are 1 1/2 times the cute diameter. 
Years back there was a NARAM R&D presentation that showed a 1 1/2  length shroud line is the most efficient.  
I'm used to the Estes lengths. I settled for three 40" long shroud line loops.
This red shroud line is a fire resistant Nomex.

The "spool" is interesting. 
When you set your index and thumb tips over the hole, the black spool and pull the string and it will teeter tot back and forth to unwrap.
This is a big improvement over the Estes style of a long looped line that usually gets snagged when you try to open it up.

This chute kit had round reinforcement rings instead of the folded jewelry tags normally seen in the New Way kits.

Cut the chute to 18".
TIP: Apply a ring to both sides of the chute material. Both sides is a great way to go, especially if you use paper reinforcement rings.
Punch holes and tie on the shroud lines.

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