Monday, April 22, 2013

Big Girtha Recovered!

Two emails told me my Big Girtha model had been recovered after being lost in February at the Tampa TTRA field. One email said to expect water damage. The tube was swelled a bit, but it wasn't terrible.

There was some talk on TRF about why models are sealed and painted. After a month of exposure to sun and rain, the fins weren't warped. The tape trim and paint were still in good shape.

Who knows what I'll recycle. The nose cone and nylon parachute are in great shape! I have three of the four fins, they might end up on a new Girtha! I just need some new 40mm Quest tubing.

Where's the video camera? That's really what I wanted to get back.
Brian Urban took it off the model and has it at home until the next Tampa launch. He was concerned (as I was) that it might "disappear".
Even if the camera doesn't work now, the video card might still have a recording on it! 

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