Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Quest X-30 Aerospace Plane Part 11, Bulkhead & Shroud Adjustments

Only the rear bulkhead was sanded to allow the central motor mount tube to move forward in the shroud.

While sanding the bulkhead edge is "crushed" and is now wider. This is okay, it gives a wider gluing surface and spreads the edge out inside the shroud. The wider bulkhead edge won't show through from the outside.

The smaller forward bulkhead isn't sanded. The size of the forward bulkhead is the same size as the nose cone base bulkhead. I want both the same size when the nose cone is slid in place.

After an hour of sand and fit the forward bulkhead has moved much closer to the front of the shroud edge. I've gone about as far forward as I'm going to get.

It's a compromise in the build, but this edge will be trimmed off even with the bulkhead making the model about 1/8" shorter.

When the trimmed shroud got close to the bulkhead, the edge was sanded off with 400 grit on a block.

While sanding everything even you could see how the bulkhead was bent back on the sides. This happened when the tube was pressed forward and the edges were pulled back against the end of the shroud.

Medium CA was applied with a toothpick and was sanded smooth. This hardened the rough end surface and removed any "fuzzies".

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