Sunday, June 9, 2013

Big Girtha Build Part 14, Motor Mount Fix

Two ST-7 tubes side by side fit very well in the Big Betty 40mm tube.
I thought I might get by with just the single, sealed centering ring at the top of the mount.
When slid into the tube there as a little wiggle on the sides. The fit was good but not great.
In the spare parts box I had a pair of rings made for a ST-16 tube.
I traced around the slightly smaller 40 mm centering ring.

If your scissors are sharp you can get a smoother curve cut than you can with a knife.
Cut just on the outside of the pencil line so you can sand it to fit after gluing.
(Yes, the center disks were thrown into the spare parts box - you never know when you'll need a ST-7 block.)

Half circles were punched to allow engine hook movement.

Here's the crescent rings glued in place.
The rings were glued and sat right on the rear edge top of the tape wraps.
After some minor sanding, the fit in the tube is more solid.

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