Thursday, February 22, 2018

Quest Q-Jet Composite Engines (Almost) Available!

On the NAR Facebook page Roy Green posted:
"Quest Q-Jets (Composite A and B) are now up on their website. Certified by TRA. Priced about 20% more than comparable Estes motor . . ." 

For now - If you try to add the new engines to your shopping cart you get a "Product Unavailable" message. To go to the Quest Aerospace website: CLICK HERE
A3-4, A3-6, B4-4 and B4-6 engines are sold in two-packs. A engines are $7.99, B engines are $8.99.

Looks like C8 and D12 engines are also on the way . . . 
That 18mm D12-3 engine might be perfect for models like the Mars Lander.


  1. [Insert childish squealing with joy]

    1. Hi Lonnie,
      New stuff is good! On the B4-4 illustration, look at the open area below (well, above in the drawing) the propellant, it is hollow towards the nozzle. More room for the C and D propellant.

  2. Tripoli certified but not NAR certified? I wonder what the story is about that? Doesn’t really matter to me since I don’t do contest flying - I’ll be ordering as soon as Quest has motors to buy.

    1. Hi Openroad,
      Somebody on Facebook suggested their previous ties with TRA and the composite engines. I've read where there have been delays with NAR testing, but that's just what somebody else said.

  3. If they want to really compete with Estes, they are going to need to come out with multi-packs at a substantially lower price. Done get me wrong. I will certainly try these, but at this price, they won't be filling up my motor box.

    1. Hi Metal,
      I can't see paying the extra for an A3 or B4 engine. But the C8 and D12s might be fun!

  4. Still doesn't solve the clustering or staging problem though.

    1. Hi BAR,
      Nope! You'd still have to do your own dips. Remove the clear coat off the "Starters" and dip away.

  5. Cool but I have to say the As and Bs are of little interest to me. Not entirely sure who would pay the extra other than competition fliers trying to minimize weight.

    C8 and D12 on the other hand could be compelling, will wait to see price and thrust curves.

    1. Hi Neil,
      I agree, I still have plenty of BP As and Bs to work through. The Cs and Ds look more interesting.
