Three parachutes, two for the main body, one for the upper body. I can understand why some purists want everything close to "scale".
Younger builders may not realize, these were the only three parachutes used, for the command module splashdown.
An email from Brian Coyle:
"There were 8 chutes on the Apollo capsules- 2 drogue, 3 pilot, and 3 mains. ;)"
(From wiki)
The ELS consisted of two drouge parachutes with mortars, three main parachutes, three pilot parachutes to deploy the mains, three inflation bags for uprighting the capsule if necessary, a sea recovery cable, a dye marker, and a swimmer umbilical.
You can see the small white pilot chutes above the large canopies. This is what we saw watching the Live splashdown news coverage. I (like most others) remember seeing the three main parachutes.
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