Sunday, April 28, 2019

Semroc Sam 3 Build, Part 8, Launch Lug, Tunnels & Decals

The launch lug is glued into the root edge of a lower fin, even with the front of the fin.

Tunnels are glued on opposite sides between two fins.

Four tiny fins are glued onto the base of the nose cone in line with the lower fins.

Here's where we are at. Now to figure out a paint scheme.
The original Centuri kit was painted in camouflage. I have no experience painting camo and no airbrush to do it with. Time to do some searches for alternative paint.

There is a scalloped decal separating the first and second stages of the missile.
I wrapped a paper strip around the tube and divided it into fourths.

The original Centuri decals had Russian wording on it. Many of the decals were printed in white.
My decor will be a compromise, just black ink and not as many decals.
I had to make up some Russian lettering under the 19-2C5T decal line. Circles and hatches were added.


  1. Hrm... The lettering under the "19-2С5Т" appears a bit strange -- in particular the appearance of an "R" (as far as I know, there isn't such a letter in Cyrllic alphabet -- there is the "ya" which looks like a backwards "R" however).
    If I use Google Translate to translate "TACTICAL ROCKET" from Englsh into Russian, I get "ТАКТИЧЕСКАЯ РАКЕТА".
    (note: In no way can I make the claim that I know Russian. I'm only vaguely familiar with the Cyrllic alphabet -- and that's only because its connection to Greek alphabet, and what familiarity with Greek alphabet is simply from having some background in mathematics and physics background where Greek alphabet is frequently used)

    1. Hi Naoto,
      The decals were traced and re-drawn from the online Centuri scans. I tried to duplicate the larger letters as close as I could. That "H" should have been a "K". I didn't flip the "R".
      The 19-2C5T was on the Centuri decals. I probably got some of it wrong. But the Centuri kit is sport scale, so it's close enough for me!

    2. BTW -- Some of the other lettering I can discern from the image of the decal sheet (w/ translation by Google Translate):

      СЕРЫЕ (GRAY)


      ДАТА (DATE)

    3. [shrug] I admit to having "rivet-counter" tendencies.
