Here they are stacked after "gang sanding".
In the old days (when we had to cut out fins) the pieces could be a little off.
Stack the fins and sand the edges with a block. On the right I'm checking the sides to be sure they are square.
A 1/8" wide slot is cut into the side for the attachment dowel.
The slot was traced onto the fin with pencil using the template.
This is one of the few times I set aside the break-off blade knifes and use a new #11 X-Acto blade.
The short side is cut by stabbing one side, flip over the blade and stab the other corner.
The longer sides are cut using a single edge razor blade. Be sure the razor blade is straight up, perpendicular to the fin before pressing the blade through the balsa.
You might have to do additional "stab" cuts from the other side to complete the notch corner cuts.
Here I'm lifting the dowel notch out of the fin.
Man! You must be a living cnc machine, look at the edges of those fins! They are perfect!