Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rocketarium Hydra Sandhawk Build Part 9, Sustainer Fin Shaping

From this picture found online you can see the fins wedge shape on the outside edge.
The leading edge looks like a rounded knife edge.

The small booster fins look very thin, much thinner than the 3/32" thick fins in the kit. I might buy some thin plywood to get them to a closer scale profile.

I drew a center line down the leading edge of the fin.
A wedge shape was drawn on the outside edge.

This line was drawn with a fine point Sharpie. The lines were drawn quickly so no ink would soak into the fin. The fins will be painted white and I don't want black ink to bleed through the white paint.

The leading edge taper was sanded first, almost to the center line.
220 grit sandpaper was used on a sanding block.

The leading edge was sanded first then the sides flattened.
Setting the fin surface on the block you can see the convex side that needed to be sanded flat.

Here's the first fin fully tapered.
I marked the root edge with a "M" for "master".
This fin will be used as a "guide" for shaping the other three fins.
Try to match the thickness of the leading edge when shaping the other three.

Next to a untapered fin:
On the left is the root edge, on the right is the outside edge.

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