Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Estes Klingon Battle Cruiser, #1274, Build Part 10, Hanger Side Pieces

These are the hanger side pieces before the flat base is glued on.
I took this picture to show how thin the vacu-form walls are.

After the flat plastic base (cut off the master sheet in Step 1) is glued to the bottom, the edges are sanded even with the side walls.

On the left piece you can see some raised areas. If I were to sand down any more I might go right through the wall.

Sanding the sides of vacu-formed parts flat and smooth is a compromise. You can only take them down so far without weakening the side walls.

On the left piece the plastic has been sanded to the point where some of the raised areas are almost too thin..

On the left is the side of a hanger piece, a definite long dip is in the plastic wall.

I used some White Squadron to fill the recess. Don't use too much putty, the solvents might melt the already thin plastic.

After the putty dried, it was sanded down to surface.

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