On the left I'm rolling off the inside burrs so the ring will slide over the BT-20 a little easier.
On the right are both 20/50 rings stacked and glued even with the top of the second upper BT-20 tube.
The instructions say to apply a ring of glue 3/4" from the bottom of the lower ring. A dry fit showed the glue line should go a little below that. Dry fit the shroud and trace the low edge with a pencil to find the line.
Note there is very little glue where the shroud edges will make contact.
TIP: Before gluing any two tubes together with a coupler, sand the ends flat and do a dry fit. You might be surprised how many kit tubes are not cleanly cut.
After the tubes were joined the assembly got a shot of filler primer and fine sanding. There were some high areas especially around the seam joints.
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