Saturday, September 28, 2019

Estes Solo #7288 Build, Part 3, Engine Mount & Fin Can

The fin can is interesting, there is no internal engine mount tubing. The top of the engine slips into a molded recessed ring at the top. A taller molded ring at the rear. The rear is threaded for the engine retaining ring.

The instructions show a tube of plastic cement used to glue the sides together. I held the sides together and brushed liquid cement on the inside joints.

I used Beacon Fabri-Tac glue on the root edge areas of the fins. Here I marked the root edge with a Sharpie to show where the glue was applied. The fins were slid into place.

More liquid cement was brushed onto the gap at the rear of the fin root edge. Let this glue dry before screwing on the engine retainer.

Here's the finished fin can. The fins with the glider attachment pins are on shown at the top.

As it is now, this fin can looks like the back end a sci-fi rocket.


  1. I am slightly familiar with that fin mounting arrangement. On my BT50 booster it stated glue was optional, as the aft motor retainer also holds the fins on.

  2. I also didn't glue the fins on, but you have to make sure you have the reining ring all the way on. I just bought another Solo so I have the option of exchanging fins and adding the other glider and flying it as a double ringer.
